【數顯投入式液位變送器】養蝦廢水處理裝置及使用方法 |
信息來(lái)源: 液位變送器 | 2020-07-24 點(diǎn)擊量: 3234 |

★適用場(chǎng)合需要將高溫介質(zhì)與變送器隔離●對變送器敏感元件有魔蝕性作用。懸浮液體或高粘度介質(zhì)密封壓力容器液位測量更換被測介質(zhì)需要嚴格凈化測量頭●測量頭必須保持清潔衛生。被測介質(zhì)由于環(huán)境或流程溫度變化而固化或 目前水產(chǎn)養殖中一般是將沒(méi)有處理的廢水直接排放到河流里,造成嚴重的污染環(huán)境,有的設置有廢水處理裝置,廢水處理裝置上安裝有管道,在管道內安裝有過(guò)濾片可對廢水中較大的顆粒物進(jìn)行過(guò)濾,例如對蝦糞進(jìn)行過(guò)濾,但是在長(cháng)期使用過(guò)程中,固體雜質(zhì)會(huì )將過(guò)濾片的孔慢慢堵塞,造成廢水無(wú)法流淌現象,只能靠人工進(jìn)行拆除清洗,費時(shí)費力,不便于操作。
The high temperature medium should be isolated from the transmitter in the application occasion ● it has the magical effect on the sensitive elements of the transmitter. Liquid level measurement of sealed pressure vessel with suspended liquid or high viscosity medium. The measuring head must be cleaned strictly when changing the measured medium ● the measuring head must be kept clean. The measured medium is solidified due to the change of environment or process temperature. At present, the untreated wastewater is directly discharged into the river in aquaculture, resulting in serious environmental pollution. Some of them are equipped with wastewater treatment devices, and pipes are installed on the wastewater treatment devices, and filters are installed in the pipes to filter the larger particles in the wastewater, For example, shrimp feces are filtered, but in the long-term use process, solid impurities will slowly block the hole of the filter, resulting in waste water can not flow phenomenon, can only rely on manual removal and cleaning, time-consuming and laborious, not easy to operate.
[digital display input liquid level transmitter] shrimp wastewater treatment device and its use method
1. The impulse pipe should be as short as possible;
2. When measuring liquid or steam, the pressure pipe shall be connected upward to the process pipeline, and its gradient shall not be less than 1 / 12;
3. For gas measurement, the pressure pipe should be connected downward to the process s pipe, and the slope should not be less than 1 / 12;
4. The high point in the middle should be avoided in the arrangement of hydraulic pipe, and the low point in the middle should be avoided in the arrangement of gas pressure pipe;
5. The same temperature should be maintained between the two pressure pipes;
6. In order to avoid the influence of friction, the diameter of impulse pipe should be large enough;
7. There should be no gas filled liquid tube for pressure inflation;
8. When using the isolating fluid, the liquid in the pressure pipe on both sides should be the same;
[digital display input liquid level transmitter] shrimp wastewater treatment device and its use method
The stability, precision and reliability are very important, with reliable work, stable performance, convenient installation and use, small volume, light weight, high performance price ratio. It is widely used in a variety of industrial automatic control environment, involving water conservancy and hydropower, railway transportation, intelligent building, production automation, aerospace, military industry, petrochemical, oil wells, electric power, ships, machine tools, pipelines and many other industries. It is suitable for measuring the liquid level, density and pressure of liquid, gas or steam, and then converting the pressure signal into 4 ~ 20mADC signal output.
A filtering device includes an inlet pipe and a water outlet pipe which are connected with each other. The end of the water outlet pipe is close to the water inlet pipe in bulk. A connecting cylinder is installed between the water inlet pipe and the water outlet pipe. The connecting cylinder is vertically provided with a sliding cylinder, and the scraper which can move along the sliding cylinder is installed in the sliding cylinder, and the position of the scraper is corresponding to the position of the filter sheet.
當過(guò)濾片在長(cháng)期使用過(guò)程中,過(guò)濾孔會(huì )粘附雜物會(huì )逐漸將過(guò)濾孔堵塞,通過(guò)上述設置,通過(guò)刮板沿滑筒移動(dòng)可將過(guò)濾片上的附著(zhù)物清除掉,保證過(guò)濾片的正常使用。
When the filter is used for a long time, impurities will adhere to the filter hole, which will gradually block the filter hole. Through the above settings, the attachment on the filter can be removed by moving the scraper along the sliding cylinder, so as to ensure the normal use of the filter.