【法蘭式液位變送器】熱電廢氣處理設計煙氣分析工控保養須知 |
信息來(lái)源: 液位變送器 | 2020-07-24 點(diǎn)擊量: 4457 |

.熱電工控廢氣處理產(chǎn)對促進(jìn)國家經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展起到了重要的作用.熱電聯(lián)產(chǎn)要求將熱電站同有關(guān)工廠(chǎng)和城鎮住宅集中布局在一定地段內,以取得最大的能源利用經(jīng)濟效益。造紙、鋼鐵和化學(xué)工業(yè)是熱電聯(lián)產(chǎn)的主要用戶(hù),它們不僅是消耗電熱的大用戶(hù),而且其生產(chǎn)過(guò)程中所排出的廢料和廢氣可作為熱電聯(lián)產(chǎn)裝置的燃料。
Each time the flue gas analyzer is used, the instrument shall be checked. The inspection items include:
1. Before starting the machine, check whether the cable and air pipe are connected normally and whether they are damaged or loose. (Note: drain pipe should be installed at the condensate outlet of MD3 dryer to prevent condensate from corroding the instrument).
2. After startup, check whether the air path is unblocked and check whether the condensate blocks the drain pipe.
3、開(kāi)機后檢查儀器的氣密性,確保煙氣不會(huì )在氣路中泄漏。(檢查儀器的氣密性,可以堵住進(jìn)氣口,若儀器的采樣流量示值在2min內降至零,表明氣密性合格。)
3. Check the air tightness of the instrument after startup to ensure that the flue gas will not leak in the gas path. (to check the air tightness of the instrument, the air inlet can be blocked. If the sampling flow of the instrument drops to zero within 2min, the air tightness is qualified. )
4. After preheating, touch the upper end of the MD3 dryer by hand to feel whether the MD3 built-in cooler is cooled, or observe whether the blue indicator light of MD3 flickers normally after the normal operation of the instrument.
5. After preheating, observe whether the MD3 peristaltic pump rotates and whether the drainage is normal.
6. After the machine is turned on and warmed up, observe whether the display screen reading on the instrument host is normal, and whether the internal pump and fan of the instrument rotate.
7. If the instrument is equipped with heating tube, check whether the heating system works normally.
8. For portable flue gas analyzer, clean ambient air shall be introduced to flush the instrument before shutdown after each measurement.
Flange type liquid level gauge is also known as plug-in flange type liquid level transmitter. The pressure transmitter is connected with the measured equipment by capillary tube, which is a kind of remote transmission device installed on the pipeline or container to feel the measured pressure. The pressure is transmitted to the main body of the transmitter through the silicone oil (or other liquid) filled in the capillary tube, and then the transmitter The δ chamber and amplifying circuit board in the main body can convert the pressure or differential pressure from 4 to 20 mA.DC Signal output, with HART Protocol in line with the manual operator, can communicate with each other, set and monitor.
Application medium:
. Viscous medium at high temperature;
. Medium easy to crystallize;
. Precipitation medium with solid particles or suspended solids;
. Strong corrosive or highly toxic medium;
. It can eliminate the phenomenon that the leakage of the pressure pipe pollutes the surrounding environment, and can avoid the tedious work of adding the isolation fluid frequently due to the instability of the measurement signal when using the isolation fluid;
. Continuous and accurate measurement of interface and density;
7. The remote transmission device can avoid the mixing of different instantaneous media, so that the measurement results can truly reflect the actual situation of process change;
. Occasions with high requirements for sanitation and cleanliness;
. For example, in the production of food, beverage and pharmaceutical industry, the transmitter should not only meet the hygienic standard, but also be easy to wash to prevent cross contamination of different batches of media.