【數顯溫度變送器】0.25級精度和0.45級精度區別 |
信息來(lái)源: 變送器廠(chǎng)家 | 2020-07-20 點(diǎn)擊量: 10093 |

在設計液位類(lèi)儀表使用時(shí),溫度作為至關(guān)重要的一個(gè)參數,很多情況下影響到介質(zhì)測量,在工業(yè)使用儀表的過(guò)程中都會(huì )存在一個(gè)誤差,根據而儀表準確度就是說(shuō)bai明儀表指示值與被測量實(shí)際值之間的近似程度。
我國工業(yè)儀表等級分為0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.5,5.0七個(gè)等級,并標志在儀表刻度標尺或銘牌上,數字越小,說(shuō)明精度等級越高,與實(shí)際值的偏差越小。作為工業(yè)級儀表應用,常規使用的1.0級使用比較多,作為液位測量和溫度檢測類(lèi)儀表常用的精度為0.1;0.25;0.45,時(shí)常有很多水處理的廠(chǎng)商,會(huì )提到0.2級和0.5級時(shí),很多科研機構,又提出0.25級和0.45級,這0.25和0.2級究竟有沒(méi)有去區別呢?
【數顯溫度變送器】0.25級精度和0.45級精度區別/ 在國內早期的關(guān)于儀表精度標識中,使用的0.1級,0.25級,0.45級,后來(lái)隨著(zhù)對精度要求提高,逐漸演化為,0.075級,0.1級,0.2級,0.5級,精度等級是以它的允許誤差占表盤(pán)刻度值的百分數來(lái)劃分的,其精度等級數越大允許誤差占表盤(pán)刻度極限值越大。量程越大,同樣精度等級的,它測得數值的絕對值允許誤差越大。
Working principle of temperature transmitter: The integrated temperature transmitter generally consists of a temperature probe (thermocouple or thermal resistance sensor) and a two-wire solid electronic unit. The temperature measuring probe is directly installed in the junction box in the form of a solid module to form an integrated transmitter. Integrated temperature transmitters are generally divided into two types: thermal resistance and thermocouple.
In the process of using temperature transmitters, it is inevitable that there are problems with accuracy. Huaheng liquid level transmitter manufacturers inevitably need to face the automatic control of liquid level when dealing with many manufacturers dealing with high temperature or low temperature media. At the same time deal with the trouble caused by temperature,
When designing the use of liquid level meters, temperature is a crucial parameter, which affects the medium measurement in many cases. There will be an error in the process of industrial use of the meter. According to the accuracy of the meter, the indicator value of the meter The degree of similarity with the actual value being measured.
Our country’s industrial instrument grades are divided into seven grades: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 5.0, and are marked on the meter scale or nameplate. The smaller the number, the higher the accuracy grade and the smaller the deviation from the actual value. . As an industrial-grade instrument application, the conventionally used 1.0 level is more commonly used. As a liquid level measurement and temperature detection instrument, the commonly used accuracy is 0.1; 0.25; 0.45. There are often many water treatment manufacturers, and they will mention the 0.2 and 0.5 levels. At that time, many scientific research institutions also proposed 0.25 and 0.45. Is there any difference between 0.25 and 0.2?
In the early domestic identification of instrument accuracy, 0.1, 0.25, and 0.45 were used. Later, with the improvement of accuracy requirements, it gradually evolved to 0.075, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5. The accuracy level is based on it. The allowable error accounts for the percentage of the dial scale value. The larger the accuracy level, the larger the allowable error accounts for the dial scale limit value. The larger the range, the greater the allowable error of the absolute value of the measured value for the same accuracy level.
Thermal resistance temperature transmitter is composed of reference unit, R/V conversion unit, linear circuit, reverse connection protection, current limiting protection, V/I conversion unit and so on. After the temperature measurement thermal resistance signal is converted and amplified, the linear circuit compensates for the nonlinear relationship between temperature and resistance. After the V/I conversion circuit, a 4-20mA constant current signal with a linear relationship with the measured temperature is output.
Under normal conditions of use, the accuracy of the measurement result of the bai meter is called the accuracy of the meter. The smaller the zhi reference error, the higher the accuracy of the meter dao, and the reference error is related to the range of the meter, so when using the same accuracy meter, the range range is often compressed to reduce the measurement error.