
  • 液位計廠(chǎng)家,液位變送器廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品推薦
    信息來(lái)源: 液位變送器差壓 | 2020-06-11 點(diǎn)擊量: 4032

    Xi'an Huaheng Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful north foot of Qinling Mountains, adjacent to the entrance of Taiping Forest Park - Xi'an hi tech Development Zone Science and technology enterprise accelerator, which is a booster to expand science and technology enterprises from extension to connotation. At the same time, relying on Xi'an high-tech industrial instrument base, it is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the R & D, production, sales and service of industrial automation instruments and systems.
    Application of flange type liquid level transmitter: two-stage treatment, measurement and control treatment of high salt wastewater / technical analysis of high salt wastewater treatment
    法蘭式液位變送器應用:高鹽廢水二階段階段處理測控處理/(1)電解法。高礦化度廢水由于其高礦化度而具有較高的電導率,使電化學(xué)降解高礦化度廢水成為可能。在電解過(guò)程中,有機物電解質(zhì)溶液可以發(fā)生一系列氧化還原反應從而降低COD。這種方法處理與有機物和無(wú)機鹽的種類(lèi)也有關(guān),Cl-存在時(shí)可在陽(yáng)極放電,生成ClO-降解COD,也有實(shí)驗表明苯酚廢水通過(guò)電解法處理只改變了COD的存在形式并沒(méi)有減少TOC的存在總量。 達標后的中水排入高新區中水回用水池進(jìn)行中水的冬儲夏灌,降低的高新區綠化投入成本。公司將嚴守安全生產(chǎn)、穩定達標排放的原則,持之以恒的運行好污水處理廠(chǎng),為高新區的碧水藍天事業(yè)做小小的助力。
    Flange type liquid level transmitter application: high salt waste water two-stage treatment measurement and control treatment / (1) electrolysis method. High salinity wastewater has high conductivity due to its high salinity, which makes electrochemical degradation of high salinity wastewater possible. In the process of electrolysis, a series of redox reactions can take place in the electrolyte solution of organic matter, which can reduce COD. This method is also related to the types of organic and inorganic salts. When Cl - exists, it can discharge at the anode to generate ClO - to degrade cod. Some experiments show that the electrochemical treatment of phenol wastewater only changes the existing form of COD and does not reduce the total amount of TOC. After reaching the standard, the reclaimed water will be discharged into the reclaimed water reuse pool of the high tech Zone for winter storage and summer irrigation, reducing the investment cost of afforestation in the high tech Zone. The company will strictly abide by the principle of safe production and stable discharge up to the standard, persistently operate the sewage treatment plant, and make a small contribution to the blue water and blue sky cause of the high-tech zone.
    Application of flange type liquid level transmitter: high salt waste water two-stage treatment, measurement and control treatment / (2) membrane separation process. At present, there are four mature membrane separation processes: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. The membrane used in microfiltration and ultrafiltration has large pore size, which has good retention effect on COD and suspended solids, but can not retain most of the soluble substances. Nanofiltration can retain most of divalent ions, and reverse osmosis can retain monovalent ions, so different membranes can be selected according to different requirements In the process of separation, the effect of membrane separation is better than that of general process, the cost is higher, and the problem of membrane pollution is more prominent, so it is limited to some extent. At present, there are some new membrane separation processes, such as membrane distillation process and "nano" membrane developed by Tsinghua University. Membrane distillation process uses the hydrophobicity of hydrophobic membrane to make water vapor pass through the membrane and isolate other substances, so as to ensure the cleanness of effluent. Membrane fouling also exists in membrane distillation process, and the development of hydrophobic membrane can not meet the requirements of large-scale application. Combined with the process characteristics of reverse osmosis and membrane distillation, it has strong anti pollution ability, strong retention ability and good development prospect.
    法蘭式液位變送器應用:高鹽廢水二階段階段處理測控處理/  相關(guān)氣態(tài)污染物排放濃度實(shí)現:NOx≤50mg/m3、S02≤35mg/m3、煙塵≤10mg/m3。許多燃煤鍋爐經(jīng)環(huán)保升級改造后,尾部煙氣中相關(guān)氣態(tài)污染物已滿(mǎn)足超低排放要求,但原有CEMS系統仍繼續保留使用。為適應日趨嚴格的環(huán)保要求,近年來(lái)眾多燃煤鍋爐積極法蘭式液位變送器應用:高鹽廢水二階段階段處理測控處理/開(kāi)展環(huán)保升級改造,實(shí)現鍋爐尾部煙氣中煙塵、SO2、NOx等氣態(tài)污染物“超低排放”。
    Flange type liquid level transmitter application: high salt wastewater two-stage treatment, measurement and control treatment / emission concentration of relevant gaseous pollutants: NOx ≤ 50mg / m3, S02 ≤ 35mg / m3, smoke ≤ 10mg / m3. Many coal-fired boilers have been upgraded to meet the requirements of ultra-low emission, but the original CEMS system still remains in use. In order to meet the increasingly strict environmental protection requirements, in recent years, many coal-fired boilers have been actively using flange type liquid level transmitters: high salt waste water two-stage treatment, measurement and control treatment / environmental upgrading and transformation, so as to realize the "ultra-low emission" of gaseous pollutants such as soot, SO2, NOx in the flue gas of the boiler tail.
    With its own core technology of sensor and intelligent circuit board, Huaheng transmitter manufacturer can extend and transform the core technology at low cost according to customer requirements to achieve personalized product customization. The main products are smart (SMART) series pressure transmitter, multi parameter transmitter, flowmeter, temperature sensor and level (liquid level transmitter manufacturer, which provides high performance price ratio industrial automatic transmitter products for China's power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, cement, mining and other industries

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