
  • 液位計廠(chǎng)家,液位變送器廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品推薦
    信息來(lái)源: 液位變送器 | 2020-06-03 點(diǎn)擊量: 3777


    State of liquid level instruments: zero tolerance for interference with environmental monitoring behavior / since May, many domestic water conservancy and hydropower, environmental governance, artificial intelligence / 5G use and many other pavements have been launched. More than 100000 domestic technology-based enterprises have deepened their investment in human and material resources to realize "made in China 2025", although no concessions have been made in national environmental governance and work benefiting future generations, To realize the rejuvenation of the country through industry,
    監測數據質(zhì)量是生態(tài)環(huán)境監測的“生命線(xiàn)”。在生態(tài)環(huán)境部6月2日上午舉行的例行新聞發(fā)布會(huì )上,柏仇勇說(shuō),隨著(zhù)公眾對生態(tài)環(huán)境質(zhì)量關(guān)注度日益提高,從“出門(mén)看天氣”到“出門(mén)看空氣”,關(guān)心生態(tài)環(huán)境監測數據變成了老百姓日常生活的一部分。政府擔負生全球臭氧背景濃度呈增長(cháng)趨勢。平均每年上升1微克左右,與我國背景站變化趨勢較為一致。這主要與全球氣候變暖、人為污染排放,以及區域大范圍傳輸等因素有關(guān)。我國臭氧污染在空間分布上與PM2.5較為一致。主要原因是揮發(fā)性有機物和氮氧化物既是光化學(xué)反應生成O?的前體物,也是PM2.5中二次組分的主要前體物。2019年,京津冀及周邊地區、汾渭平原既是PM2.5的污染較重區域,也是O?濃度較高區域。
    Monitoring data quality is the "lifeline" of ecological environment monitoring. At a regular press conference held by the Ministry of ecological environment on the morning of June 2, Bai said that with the increasing public attention to the quality of ecological environment, from "going out to see the weather" to "going out to see the air", caring about the monitoring data of ecological environment has become a part of the daily life of ordinary people. The background concentration of ozone produced by the government is increasing. The average annual increase is about 1 microgram, which is consistent with the change trend of background stations in China. This is mainly related to global warming, man-made pollution emissions, and regional large-scale transmission and other factors. The spatial distribution of ozone pollution in China is consistent with PM2.5. The main reason is that volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides are not only the precursors of photochemical reaction to o? But also the main precursors of secondary components in PM2.5. In 2019, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding areas, Fenwei plain are not only the heavily polluted areas of PM2.5, but also the areas with high o? Concentration.
    Huaheng transmitter manufacturers have developed two core technologies, sensor and intelligent circuit board. Not only do they master all the core component technologies of all products, but also the accuracy of industrial automatic transmitter manufacturers is constantly improving, from level 0.2 to level 0.1.  Through the extension of the core technology, other products for measuring flow and temperature can be deformed.
    磁致伸縮變送器是將磁子系統耦合過(guò)來(lái)的液位信號,以間隔1.5μs 發(fā)送的脈沖,精確地測量磁致伸縮液位變送器中磁浮子的位置。這個(gè)脈沖產(chǎn)生的磁場(chǎng)沿波導管向下傳導。當磁浮子的磁場(chǎng)和脈沖電流磁場(chǎng)相遇時(shí),產(chǎn)生“返回”脈沖(又叫“波導扭曲脈沖”)。敏感元件探測到這個(gè)“返回”脈沖。根據電流脈沖與“返回”脈沖之間的時(shí)間,通過(guò)單片機計算出浮子的位置,確定被測液位或界位。防爆變送器安裝時(shí)仔細核對型號規格及防爆標志ExdIIBT4~T6,ExiaIICT1~T6,在安防確認以后,和現場(chǎng)的工作人員核 磁致伸縮變送器
    Magnetostrictive transmitter is a liquid level signal coupled with magnetic subsystem, which can accurately measure the position of the magnetic float in the magnetostrictive liquid level transmitter with a pulse sent at an interval of 1.5 μ s.  The magnetic field generated by this pulse travels down the waveguide. When the magnetic field of the magnetic float meets the magnetic field of the pulse current, a "return" pulse (also known as "waveguide twisted pulse") is generated. The sensor detects this "return" pulse. According to the time between the current pulse and the "return" pulse, the position of the float is calculated by the single chip microcomputer, and the measured liquid level or boundary position is determined.  During the installation of explosion-proof transmitter, carefully check the model, specification and explosion-proof signs ExdIIBT4 ~ T6, exiaiict1 ~ T6. After the security confirmation, work with the field staff on the nuclear magnetic telescoping transmitter
    In order to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the monitoring data of ecological environment, the Ministry of ecological environment mainly focuses on the two aspects of "fidelity" and "cracking down on counterfeits".
    This year, the Ministry of ecological environment will continue to strengthen supervision and inspection. We will adhere to the principle of "zero tolerance" for behaviors that interfere with the monitoring of ecological environment, and will not tolerate them when they are found, investigated, and reported. In addition to administrative punishment according to law, if a crime is constituted, it shall be firmly transferred to the judicial organ for criminal responsibility investigation, and the warning and deterrent function shall be strengthened
    At present, Xi'an liquid level transmitter manufacturers have three major technical strength, one is the fully isolated intelligent circuit processing unit technology, the other is the manufacturing technology of metal capacitance sensor, and the third is the multi parameter technology of the whole series of throttling devices.
    With its own sensor and intelligent circuit board core technology, Huaheng transmitter manufacturers can extend and transform the core technology at low cost according to customer requirements to achieve personalized product customization. The main products are smart (SMART) series pressure transmitter, multi parameter transmitter, flowmeter, temperature sensor and level (liquid level transmitter manufacturer, which provides high performance price ratio industrial automatic transmitter manufacturer products for China's power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, cement, mining and other industries

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