
  • 液位計廠(chǎng)家,液位變送器廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品推薦
    信息來(lái)源: 流量變送器生產(chǎn) | 2019-05-16 點(diǎn)擊量: 9217


      Cause analysis of orifice flowmeter failure,Xi'anHuaheng Instrument Analysis:Orifice flowmeter metering system failure reasons require technicians to be familiar with the performance of the instrument,but also need extensive knowledge and rich field experience for analysis,reasoning,multi-test,in order to confirm.
      Some failures are caused by unexpected events.For non-flowmeter faults,the output signal is often unstable.According to practical experience,there are several reasons for unstable output signal of vortex flowmeter when measuring coke oven gas.
      1、渦街流量計不適宜安裝在強振動(dòng)的場(chǎng)合是應用者廣為熟知的,但在磁場(chǎng)頻繁變化的場(chǎng)合,渦街流量傳感器同樣會(huì )受到干擾,測出高于正常值的信號。實(shí)踐證明,在無(wú)氣體流動(dòng)的現場(chǎng),當渦街流量傳感器處于變化的磁場(chǎng)中時(shí)在磁場(chǎng)變化的瞬間,渦街流量傳感器會(huì )感應出一個(gè)錯誤信號輸出,當變化結束,儀表處于一個(gè)穩定的磁場(chǎng)時(shí),儀表則會(huì )輸出信號正常。
      1.Vortex flowmeter is not suitable to be installed in the strong vibration situation,which is well known to the applicants.However,when the magnetic field changes frequently,the Vortex flowmeter will also be disturbed and the signal higher than the normal value can be detected.Practice has proved that,in the field without gas flow,when the vortex flow sensor is in the changing magnetic field,at the moment when the magnetic field changes,the vortex flow sensor will induce an error signal output.When the change ends and the instrument is in a stable magnetic field,the output signal of the instrument will be normal.
      2、焦爐煤氣因出廠(chǎng)時(shí)溫度高,濕度大,因此在氣體輸送過(guò)程中會(huì )有水分存在。氣體流動(dòng)帶動(dòng)水分往復波動(dòng),從而形成脈動(dòng)流。渦街流量傳感器處于這種流體狀態(tài)時(shí)輸出數據忽大忽小,根本無(wú)法反映生產(chǎn)狀況。
      2.Because of the high temperature and humidity of coke oven gas when it leaves the factory,there will be moisture in the process of gas transmission.Gas flow drives water fluctuation to and fro,thus forming pulsating flow.When the vortex flow sensor is in this fluid state,the output data of the sensor is too big or too small to reflect the production situation at all.
      3.Because of the impurities in coke oven gas,it is easy to crystallize and the impurities condense in the sensor head,which results in the measurement error of orifice plate flowmeter.When the temperature rises,impurity volatilizes,sensitivity increases and signal increases;on the contrary,it decreases,which results in data instability.
      The orifice plate flowmeter designed,manufactured and calibrated according to the national standard does not need real-flow calibration.It has high accuracy,simple structure and low manufacturing cost.However,the pressure loss is the largest in all standard throttling devices,and it is not suitable for situations requiring low pressure loss.The standard orifice plate is widely used in petroleum,chemical,metallurgical,power and other industries.
      PS:Tianjin pressure transmitter recovery,orifice plate flowmeter failure analysis?
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