【國際新聞】德國“隱形冠軍”企業(yè)VEGA的創(chuàng )新之路 |
信息來(lái)源: 西安儀表制造 | 2019-04-24 點(diǎn)擊量: 5364 |

2019年4月15-17日,IE expo China 2019第二十屆中國環(huán)博會(huì )在上海新國際博覽中心成功舉辦,本次展會(huì )吸引了來(lái)自25個(gè)國家、2047家企業(yè)齊聚一堂。德國VEGA公司作為行業(yè)內的佼佼者、世界上著(zhù)名的物位及壓力測量?jì)x表的制造商,也攜帶最新的技術(shù)和產(chǎn)品亮相。
From April 15 to 17,2019,IE Expo China 2019 20th China World Expo was successfully held in Shanghai New International Expo Center.This exhibition attracted 2047 enterprises from 25 countries.VEGA Germany,as a leading manufacturer of level and pressure measuring instruments in the industry,also brings the latest technology and products to the public.
人工智能、大數據、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)……儀表儀器從業(yè)者正面臨著(zhù)各方面的利好。如何取勢謀遠,共贏(yíng)未來(lái)?和優(yōu)秀者同行,你會(huì )變得更優(yōu)秀。因此,近距離觀(guān)察、剖析行業(yè)的標桿企業(yè)至關(guān)重要。在本次展會(huì )上,儀表網(wǎng)的記者有幸采訪(fǎng)到全面負責VEGA公司產(chǎn)品在中國的銷(xiāo)售和技術(shù)支持的天津天威有限公司的行業(yè)經(jīng)理李強先生。
Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Internet of Things...Instrument practitioners are facing various benefits.How to seek the future and win-win situation?Walk with the best people and you will become better.Therefore,close observation and analysis of benchmarking enterprises in the industry is very important.In this exhibition,the reporter of Instrument Network has the honor to interview Mr.Li Qiang,the industry manager of Tianjin Tianwei Co.,Ltd.,who is in charge of the sales and technical support of VEGA products in China.
德國作為一個(gè)傳統的工業(yè)制造強國,全世界2734家“隱形冠軍”企業(yè)中,德國占據1307家,擁有世界最多的“隱形冠軍”,素以誕生世界級“隱形冠軍”著(zhù)稱(chēng),VEGA公司便是其中之一,天津天威有限公司的行業(yè)經(jīng)理李強先生如是說(shuō)。這家德國“隱形冠軍”企業(yè)成立1959年,其產(chǎn)品系列包括測量物位、限位和壓力傳感器以及用于集成到過(guò)程處理系統的儀表和軟件。經(jīng)過(guò)歲月的洗禮,如今,VEGA活躍于80多個(gè)國家,擁有遍布全球的子公司和經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商網(wǎng)絡(luò )。
As a traditional industrial manufacturing power,Germany occupies 1307 of the 2734"invisible champion"enterprises in the world.It has the largest"invisible champion"in the world.It is known for the birth of the world-class"invisible champion".VEGA Company is one of them,said Mr.Li Qiang,the industry manager of Tianjin Tianwei Co.,Ltd.The German"invisible champion"company was founded in 1959.Its product line includes measuring level,limit and pressure sensors,as well as instruments and software for integration into process processing systems.After years of baptism,VEGA is now active in more than 80 countries,with a global network of subsidiaries and distributors.
德國VEGA專(zhuān)注于物位和壓力行業(yè)進(jìn)行儀表的生產(chǎn)和研發(fā),迄今為止已經(jīng)開(kāi)發(fā)11種原理的物位和壓力測量?jì)x表,在這11種儀表中,尤其以雷達液位計著(zhù)稱(chēng)。1997年,德國VEGA推出世界首臺的兩線(xiàn)制的雷達儀表,使雷達儀表成本大大降低,幫助用戶(hù)使用雷達的方式解決原來(lái)現場(chǎng)很多無(wú)法解決的問(wèn)題;2004年,推出量程達70米的固體雷達,成為固體雷達行業(yè)測量的標準;2014年,推出量程120米、發(fā)射頻率高達80 GHz的世界首臺固體雷達料位計,極大的拓展了雷達的性能;2016年,又推出世界首臺的80 GHz高頻率的液體雷達料位計,再一次成為了業(yè)界標準。
German VEGA focuses on the production and development of instruments in the level and pressure industry.So far,11 kinds of level and pressure measuring instruments have been developed,among which,radar level meters are especially famous.In 1997,VEGA launched the world's first two-wire radar instrument,which greatly reduced the cost of radar instrument and helped users solve many unsolvable problems in the original field by using radar.In 2004,it launched a solid radar with a range of 70 meters,which became the measurement standard of solid radar industry.In 2014,it launched the world's first solid radar with a range of 120 meters and a transmission frequency of 80 GHz.Volume radar level gauge greatly expands the performance of radar;in 2016,the world's first 80 GHz high frequency liquid radar level gauge was launched,once again becoming the industry standard.
VEGA公司成立至今,行業(yè)內的每一次技術(shù)創(chuàng )新總是沖在第一線(xiàn),不論是最初的二線(xiàn)制雷達技術(shù),還是如今的80 GHz雷達技術(shù),每一次新技術(shù)的推出總會(huì )掀起“波瀾”,低調而又神秘的“隱形冠軍”之路,顯得格外不同。
Since the establishment of VEGA company,every technological innovation in the industry has always been on the front line.Whether it is the original second-line radar technology or the 80 GHz radar technology today,every new technology will bring about"waves"and the low-key and mysterious"invisible champion"road is very different.
值得一提的是,VEGA的80 GHz雷達技術(shù)在2018歐洲的技術(shù)創(chuàng )新評選中,從數百家制造企業(yè)中脫穎而出,獲得第25名。據德國統計,在2018年,世界上共銷(xiāo)售出20萬(wàn)臺的高頻率雷達液位計,VEGA占比50%,達到10萬(wàn)臺,穩穩的居在世界第一位。在最短的時(shí)間內,80 GHz雷達技術(shù)就獲得了市場(chǎng)的認可,這一速度沒(méi)人預料到。同時(shí),它在許多領(lǐng)域迅速取代了以前的26 GHz技術(shù)標準。
It is worth mentioning that VEGA's 80 GHz radar technology stands out from hundreds of manufacturing enterprises in the technical innovation evaluation of Europe in 2018,and won the 25th place.According to German statistics,in 2018,200,000 high frequency radar level meters were sold in the world,with VEGA accounting for 50%,reaching 100,000,ranking first in the world steadily.In the shortest time,80 GHz radar technology has been recognized by the market,and this speed is unpredictable.At the same time,it has rapidly replaced the previous 26 GHz technical standard in many fields.
作為革命性的技術(shù),從目前的應用占比中,VEGA可以一直占據著(zhù)較好的市場(chǎng)份額,VEGA已經(jīng)創(chuàng )造了一種獨特的優(yōu)勢。
As a revolutionary technology,VEGA can always occupy a better market share from the current application proportion.VEGA has created a unique advantage.