
  • 液位計廠(chǎng)家,液位變送器廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品推薦
    信息來(lái)源: 西安儀表制造廠(chǎng)家 | 2019-04-22 點(diǎn)擊量: 4677

       近年來(lái),隨著(zhù)甘肅省創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展步伐的加快,全社會(huì )科技投入日漸增高,科研設施與儀器規模持續增長(cháng),覆蓋領(lǐng)域不斷拓展,技術(shù)水平明顯提升,綜合效益日益顯現。同時(shí),科研設施與儀器利用率和共享水平不高的問(wèn)題也逐漸凸顯出來(lái),部分科研設施與儀器重復建設和購置,存在部門(mén)化、單位化、個(gè)人化的傾向,閑置浪費現象比較嚴重,專(zhuān)業(yè)化服務(wù)能力有待提高,科研設施與儀器對科技創(chuàng )新的服務(wù)和支撐作用沒(méi)有得到充分發(fā)揮。

      In recent years,with the acceleration of innovation-driven development in Gansu Province,the social investment in science and technology is increasing day by day,the scale of scientific research facilities and instruments continues to grow,the coverage area continues to expand,the technology level is significantly improved,and the comprehensive benefits are increasingly apparent.At the same time,the problem of low utilization rate and sharing level of scientific research facilities and instruments has gradually been highlighted.Some scientific research facilities and instruments are redundantly constructed and purchased.There exists a tendency of sectoralization,unit and individualization.The phenomenon of idle waste is relatively serious.The professional service ability needs to be improved.The service and support role of scientific research facilities and instruments for scientific and technological innovation has not been fully played.。
      為推動(dòng)全省重大科研基礎設施和大型科研儀器的開(kāi)放共享,提高使用效率,根據《國家重大科研基礎設施和大型科研儀器開(kāi)放共享管理辦法》(國科發(fā)基〔2017〕289號)和《甘肅省人民政府關(guān)于重大科研基礎設施和大型科研儀器向社會(huì )開(kāi)放共享的實(shí)施意見(jiàn)》(甘政發(fā)〔2015〕51號)制定《重大科研基礎設施和大型科研儀器開(kāi)放共享管理辦法》(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)《辦法》)。
      In order to promote the open sharing of major scientific research infrastructure and large-scale scientific research instruments in the whole province and improve the efficiency of their use,according to the Measures for the Management of Open and Sharing of National Major Scientific Research Infrastructure and Large-scale Scientific Research Instruments(State Science Development Foundation[2017]289)and the Opinions of the Gansu Provincial People's Government on the Implementation of Open and Sharing of Major Scientific Research Infrastructure and Large-scale Scientific Research Instruments to the Society(Gan Zhengfa[201 5 51)The Measures for the Open and Shared Management of Major Scientific Research Infrastructure and Large Scientific Research Instruments(hereinafter referred to as the Measures)were formulated.
      The major scientific research infrastructures and large-scale scientific research instruments referred to in the Measures mainly include various kinds of scientific research infrastructures and scientific instruments and equipment with a value of 300,000 yuan or more,which are invested and purchased by government financial funds for scientific research and Technological Development activities.For a single set of scientific instruments and equipment with a value of less than 300,000 yuan,the management unit voluntarily declares and the competent department chooses the best ones to be included in the scope of sharing.
      《辦法》所稱(chēng)甘肅省重大科研基礎設施和大型科研儀器開(kāi)放共享服務(wù)平臺是指通過(guò)集中整合全省科研設施與儀器資源,充分利用現代信息技術(shù),通過(guò)優(yōu)化配置和合理布局,推動(dòng)甘肅省科研設施與儀器擁有單位向社會(huì )開(kāi)放服務(wù),并實(shí)現與國家科研設施與儀器網(wǎng)絡(luò )管理平臺對接的系統。
      The"Open and Shared Service Platform"for Major Scientific Research Infrastructure and Large Scientific Research Instruments in Gansu Province as mentioned in the"Measures"refers to the promotion of the opening of scientific research facilities and instrument ownership units in Gansu Province to the society through centralized integration of scientific research facilities and instrument resources in the whole province,full utilization of modern information technology,and through optimum allocation and rational layout,and the realization of network management with national scientific research facilities and instruments.Platform docking system.
      《辦法》所稱(chēng)的開(kāi)放共享,是指管理單位將科研設施與儀器向社會(huì )開(kāi)放,為其他單位、個(gè)人的科學(xué)研究和技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)提供服務(wù)的行為??蒲性O施與儀器原則上都應當對社會(huì )開(kāi)放共享,為其他高校、科研院所、企業(yè)、社會(huì )研發(fā)組織以及個(gè)人等社會(huì )用戶(hù)提供服務(wù),尤其要為創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)、中小微企業(yè)發(fā)展提供支撐保障,法律法規另有特殊規定的除外。
      The term"open sharing"as mentioned in the Measures refers to the act of administrative units opening scientific research facilities and instruments to the public and providing services for scientific research and technological development of other units and individuals.In principle,scientific research facilities and instruments should be open and shared with the society,providing services to other institutions of higher learning,scientific research institutes,enterprises,social R&D organizations and individuals,especially providing support for innovation and entrepreneurship,and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,except as otherwise specified by laws and regulations.
      《辦法》規定免稅進(jìn)口儀器設備納入省大儀共享平臺對外開(kāi)放,應符合國家的有關(guān)規定。對于納入省大儀共享平臺統一管理、符合支持科技創(chuàng )新進(jìn)口稅收政策規定的免稅進(jìn)口的科學(xué)儀器設備,在符合監管的條件下準予用于其他單位的科學(xué)研究、科技開(kāi)發(fā)和教學(xué)活動(dòng),未經(jīng)海關(guān)審核同意不得擅自轉讓、移作他用或者進(jìn)行其他處置。
      The Measures stipulate that duty-free imported instruments and equipment should be brought into the open of provincial Dayi sharing platform,which should conform to the relevant provisions of the state.For the imported scientific instruments and equipment that are included in the unified management of provincial Dayi sharing platform and meet the tax policy of supporting the import of scientific and technological innovation,they are allowed to be used in scientific research,scientific and Technological Development and teaching activities of other units under the conditions of conformity with supervision,and may not be transferred,transferred to other uses or disposed of without the approval of the customs.
      The Measures stipulate that the management unit should strengthen the management of the post-subsidy funds.Special funds should be used exclusively,and the post-subsidy funds should not be fraudulently,intercepted,misappropriated or occupied.Once found,the post-subsidy qualifications of the management unit in the current year and within three years will be cancelled,and the financial subsidy funds will be recovered and notified.Dayi platform units that fail to implement open sharing according to their promises,truthfully submit shared data according to regulations,have poor opening effect,and have low efficiency in using scientific research facilities and instruments will be notified and rectified within a time limit.
      隨著(zhù)《辦法》的發(fā)布,甘肅省科技廳將逐步建立更加健全的科研設施與儀器開(kāi)放共享制度、標準和機制,進(jìn)一步提高科技資源的利用效率和共享水平,釋放科研院所和高校服務(wù)潛能,為甘肅省實(shí)施創(chuàng )新驅動(dòng)發(fā)展戰略提供有效支撐。
      With the promulgation of the Measures,Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Department will gradually establish a more sound system,standards and mechanisms for the open sharing of scientific research facilities and instruments,further improve the utilization efficiency and sharing level of scientific and technological resources,release the service potential of scientific research institutes and universities,and provide effective support for the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy in Gansu Province.
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