
  • 液位計廠(chǎng)家,液位變送器廠(chǎng)家產(chǎn)品推薦
    信息來(lái)源: 西安儀表廠(chǎng)家 | 2019-04-09 點(diǎn)擊量: 5653


      Whether in mechanical manufacturing,medical equipment,or in the automotive electronics industry,communication technology,we can see that sensors play an important role in it.With the development of sensors,many industries are actively developing and utilizing sensors,and many new sensors are widely used.
      Metro has become an effective form of human use of underground space,which fully alleviates the urban ground traffic.With its advantages of large volume,good punctuality,fast and safe,high traffic efficiency and environmental protection,it has become the focus of modern urban underground space construction.But in the process of Metro operation,the power consumption of environmental control system accounts for a considerable proportion,especially the power consumption of environmental control system with air conditioning accounts for about 40%of the total power consumption of metro.However,in order to provide passengers with a satisfactory comfortable thermal environment,there must be a subway environmental control system.
      Therefore,how to take energy-saving measures in the environmental control system is of great significance.The large volume of subway traffic,that is,the large passenger flow,requires a large change in fresh air volume.Therefore,the air-conditioning load of the Metro varies greatly.In order to achieve energy saving,automatic control must be used.Automatic control technology has been more and more applied to all kinds of air conditioning systems.In the system with centralized refrigeration equipment and wide range of working conditions,automatic control technology has played a great role in energy-saving and optimal operation of the system.As an indispensable part of the control system,environmental sensors play an increasingly important role in the subway.
      In the Metro environmental control system,we use indoor temperature and humidity sensors,pipeline temperature and humidity sensors and Co2 concentration sensors.
      We can set up indoor temperature and humidity sensors in the station hall,platform area and other public areas,as well as in important equipment rooms,to monitor the real-time temperature and humidity of the station.These parameters can help operators to adjust the working conditions of each system of the station reasonably,so as to keep the public area of the station in a more comfortable environment and ensure that the equipment room is always under the appropriate temperature.Indoor temperature and humidity sensors are usually installed on the walls or roofs of station halls,platforms and equipment rooms.
      At the same time,we can install pipe temperature and humidity sensors in the fresh air room and return air room of the station to monitor the outdoor fresh air and the temperature and humidity in the station.The environmental control system can judge the environmental quality of the station according to the data collected by sensors,and switch automatically according to the pre-designed working conditions,so as to realize the automatic control of the station environment by the automatic control system,so that the station environment is always in a more comfortable environment,and ultimately achieve the purpose of energy saving and emission reduction.Pipe temperature and humidity sensors are usually installed on the walls of fresh air chamber and return air chamber.
      我們還可以在車(chē)站的回風(fēng)室內安裝Co2濃度傳感器,以監測車(chē)站內Co2的濃度。在車(chē)站里,由于人的呼吸,Co2的濃度會(huì )增加,當Co2濃度處于較大值時(shí),當前車(chē)站的空氣質(zhì)量就對乘客的健康產(chǎn)生了威脅,所以,運營(yíng)人員可以根據Co2濃度傳感器采集上來(lái)的數據對車(chē)站公共區的工況進(jìn)行及時(shí)的調整,以保證車(chē)站的空氣質(zhì)量始終處于好的狀態(tài)。
      We can also install a Co2 concentration sensor in the return air chamber of the station to monitor the concentration of Co2 in the station.In the station,because of human breathing,the concentration of Co2 will increase.When the concentration of Co2 is high,the air quality of the station threatens the health of passengers.Therefore,operators can timely adjust the working conditions of the public area of the station according to the data collected by the Co2 concentration sensor to ensure that the air quality of the station is always in good condition.
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